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Race Data for County: Portage

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Population by Race County: Portage State: Wisconsin
Persons % of Population Persons % of Population
White 63,189 88.64% 4,700,123 79.41%
Black/African American 970 1.36% 379,250 6.41%
American Indian/Alaskan Native 313 0.44% 61,414 1.04%
Asian 2,168 3.04% 181,966 3.07%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 16 0.02% 2,323 0.04%
Some Other Race 1,115 1.56% 198,398 3.35%
2+ Races 3,519 4.94% 395,091 6.68%
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Hispanic/Latino Population by Race County: Portage State: Wisconsin
Persons % of Hispanic/Latino Population Persons % of Hispanic/Latino Population
White 930 28.82% 114,837 23.25%
Black/African American 51 1.58% 10,578 2.14%
American Indian/Alaskan Native 69 2.14% 13,391 2.71%
Asian 14 0.43% 1,598 0.32%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0 0.00% 341 0.07%
Some Other Race 973 30.15% 180,959 36.63%
2+ Races 1,190 36.88% 172,256 34.87%
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Non-Hispanic/Latino by Race County: Portage State: Wisconsin
Persons % of Non-Hispanic/Latino Population Persons % of Non-Hispanic/Latino Population
White 62,259 91.47% 4,585,286 84.53%
Black/African American 919 1.35% 368,672 6.80%
American Indian/Alaskan Native 244 0.36% 48,023 0.89%
Asian 2,154 3.16% 180,368 3.32%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 16 0.02% 1,982 0.04%
Some Other Race 142 0.21% 17,439 0.32%
2+ Races 2,329 3.42% 222,835 4.11%
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Average Household Income by Race County: Portage State: Wisconsin
Value Value
All $89,206 $98,010
White $85,236 $94,602
Black/African American $67,321 $54,044
American Indian/Alaskan Native $72,525 $70,103
Asian $116,778 $101,564
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander $47,500 $82,983
Some Other Race $55,044 $71,682
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Median Household Income by Race County: Portage State: Wisconsin
Value Value
All $70,388 $74,195
White $70,814 $78,379
Black/African American $48,594 $39,775
American Indian/Alaskan Native $62,500 $55,657
Asian $91,228 $85,023
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander $42,500 $68,269
Some Other Race $48,636 $57,410
Demographics information provided by Claritas, updated April 2024, under these terms of use.