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Summary Data for County: Portage


County: Portage


State: Wisconsin 5,918,565 Persons

Percent Population Change: 2020 to 2024

County: Portage


State: Wisconsin 0.42%

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Population by Race County: Portage State: Wisconsin
Persons % of Population Persons % of Population
White 63,189 88.64% 4,700,123 79.41%
Black/African American 970 1.36% 379,250 6.41%
American Indian/Alaskan Native 313 0.44% 61,414 1.04%
Asian 2,168 3.04% 181,966 3.07%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 16 0.02% 2,323 0.04%
Some Other Race 1,115 1.56% 198,398 3.35%
2+ Races 3,519 4.94% 395,091 6.68%
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Population by Ethnicity County: Portage State: Wisconsin
Persons % of Population Persons % of Population
Hispanic/Latino 3,227 4.53% 493,960 8.35%
Non-Hispanic/Latino 68,063 95.47% 5,424,605 91.65%
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Population by Age Group County: Portage State: Wisconsin
Persons % of Population Persons % of Population
0-4 3,502 4.91% 320,107 5.41%
5-9 3,661 5.14% 329,101 5.56%
10-14 3,995 5.60% 359,746 6.08%
15-17 2,457 3.45% 225,341 3.81%
18-20 3,881 5.44% 262,550 4.44%
21-24 4,812 6.75% 309,661 5.23%
25-34 9,586 13.45% 710,600 12.01%
35-44 8,370 11.74% 739,675 12.50%
45-54 7,724 10.83% 682,069 11.52%
55-64 9,131 12.81% 797,361 13.47%
65-74 8,409 11.80% 694,539 11.73%
75-84 4,329 6.07% 357,668 6.04%
85+ 1,433 2.01% 130,147 2.20%
Population by Sex
Population by Sex County: Portage State: Wisconsin
Persons % of Population Persons % of Population
Male 35,758 50.16% 2,943,309 49.73%
Female 35,532 49.84% 2,975,256 50.27%


County: Portage


State: Wisconsin 2,461,915 Households


County: Portage


State: Wisconsin 1,584,220 Families

Average Household Size

County: Portage


State: Wisconsin 2.35 Persons

Households With Own Children

County: Portage

(24.22% of Households)

State: Wisconsin 625,071 Households (25.39% of Households)

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Median Household Income by Race County: Portage State: Wisconsin
Value Value
All $70,388 $74,195
White $70,814 $78,379
Black/African American $48,594 $39,775
American Indian/Alaskan Native $62,500 $55,657
Asian $91,228 $85,023
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander $42,500 $68,269
Some Other Race $48,636 $57,410

Families Below Poverty

County: Portage

(4.76% of Families)

State: Wisconsin 106,528 Families (6.72% of Families)

Families Below Poverty with Children

County: Portage

(2.94% of Families)

State: Wisconsin 77,130 Families (4.87% of Families)

Housing Units

County: Portage

Housing units

State: Wisconsin 2,772,507 Housing units

Owner-Occupied Housing Units Average Value

County: Portage


State: Wisconsin $320,662

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Population 25+ by Educational Attainment County: Portage State: Wisconsin
Persons % of Population Age 25+ Persons % of Population Age 25+
Less than 9th Grade 798 1.63% 100,993 2.46%
Some High School, No Diploma 1,625 3.32% 185,319 4.51%
High School Grad 15,866 32.39% 1,240,366 30.16%
Some College, No Degree 8,849 18.07% 811,728 19.74%
Associate Degree 6,641 13.56% 460,475 11.20%
Bachelor's Degree 11,395 23.26% 864,670 21.03%
Master's Degree 2,912 5.95% 321,304 7.81%
Professional Degree 463 0.95% 72,511 1.76%
Doctorate Degree 433 0.88% 54,693 1.33%

Population 16+: Unemployed

County: Portage


State: Wisconsin 3.42%

Demographics information provided by Claritas, updated April 2024, under these terms of use.